I returned to writing poetry after proclaiming that was something I’d never do. But it crept up on me and suddenly, I could no longer resist. But I still feel shy and awkward about writing verse in a language that isn’t my mother tongue. Yet, opening up to the lyrical and poetic felt like a healing, many years after I declared I was done with writing poetry.
Poetry is a practice, and I write haiku/senryu daily on twitter to keep fit: @hegelincanada
Published poetry:
My haiku (discovered on Twitter) was featured by Naviar Records for their 499th haiku-inspired music creation week
My short poem “The Title of our Sex tape” was featured in Dadakuku in July 2023
My senryu needlework sampler was featured in The haiku Foundation’s Haiku Dialogue in June 2023
My senryu/haiku “unbounded” appeared in Poetry Pea’s Podcast and in print in Poetry Pea Journal 1:23
My haiku “tea ceremony” appeared in the June 2023 issue of A Heron’s Nest
Six senryu and haiku on spiritual/environmental themes appeared in the spring equinox issue of Littoral Magazine
My senryu “fragile”, originally a tweet, was featured in March as “best of the fortnight” in Serge Tomé’s haiku blog
My senryu “On the ferry” appeared in Failed Haiku #87-1
My haiku “January mist” appeared in Hedgerow #141 in March 2023
My mini-surrealist poem “Running out” appeared in Dadakuku
Haiku Seed Journal’s inaugural issue featured two of my poems
My surrealist, sound poem “Gulls” appeared in Dadakuku, January 2023
My haiku dripping faucet was selected for the Best Haiku 2022 anthology
My haiku bird chatter featured in Poetry Pea 3:22
My haiku long term care: featured in Frogpond 45:3 Autumn 2022
My haiku March Moon featured in Haiku Seed Journal
Winter clouds haiku featured in Haiku Seed Journal
My haiku a mixed bag was featured in The Haiku Foundation’s Haiku Dialogue in May 2022
My haiku winter seeds was featured in The Haiku Foundation’s “Haiku Dialogue” in February 2022
My modern haiku “Blood moon eclipse” appeared in Serge Tomé’s haiku blog as “best of the fortnight” (with a translation into French)
My haiku about bruised apples appeared in Autumn Moon Haiku Journal 5:1 in December 2021.
My poem “Aftermath” appeared in North Dakota Quarterly (vol88.3/4, December 2021)
My haiku about the sun and honey won second prize in the HaikuCrush contest in May 2021
My poem Incantation at the end of #NaNoWriMo is part incantation, part internal joke and it appeared in Anti-Heroin Chic in February 2021
I have haiku in the anthology Black Bamboo. You can order this volume here
One haiga published in Quatrain. Fish (December 2020)
2 senryu published in Under the Basho 2020
2 haiku in Better than Starbucks
Communion of Tongues published in The Maynard, Spring 2020
Knife published in Kissing Dynamite Review no. 16
In Transit, published in Marías at Sampaguitas
At the Door (Old Story for a new Age) published in Marías at Sampaguitas
Meet the Family in Marías at Sampaguitas
“Something Solid” a haibun published in untethered magazine
Modern haiku/senryu in Under the Basho journal 2019
2 kyoka in Better than Starbucks
8 kyoka/tanka/senryu in Watch your Head
‘Spoon‘ in Prism International, fall 2019
Pigeon haiku’ in Haiku Journal #62
“Sudden weakness” and “The Night I left Home” in Anti-Heroin Chic
“The Artisan’s Defense” in Burning House Press https://burninghousepress.com/2019/01/31/the-artisans-defense-hege-jakobsen-lepri/
Why I Write on Heritage Future’s website http://heritagefuture.org/hege-anita-jakobsen-lepri/