Works in Progress

I write in several genres and on several different projects at the same time. It is my method for harnessing my creative energy–but at times it makes it harder to finish a project.

There are, nevertheless, certain themes that run trough almost all my writing: climate change, aging and relationships

My primary project right now, is an exploration of environmental themes in short stories. Some of the stories have already been published, others are in different stages on the path from idea to submission. Exploring this theme through different genres and perspectives seems more urgent for each passing year.

“Things They Don’t Tell You”–A collection of flash and flashy short fiction that grew out of the Pandemic, when I suddenly needed to concentrate on shorter pieces.

I’m also on my second draft of “Siren Songs” – a genre bending crime novel, which I hope to finish this spring. (Tag line: “Nordic Noir – where nothing is lost in translation”)

“Moving objects”  A poetry chapbook project about relationships migration  and everyday objects

“Placeholders” – a  short story collection